
Applications called for the Appointment of a Member to the Public Service Commission

Applications are called from interested individuals to fill a vacancy in the post of a member of the Public Service Commission.

 As stipulated in the Article 54 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, a person who is a Member of Parliament, a Provincial Council or a local authority shall not be eligible for the appointment as a member of the Public Service Commission.

Further, every person who immediately before his/ her appointment as a member of the Commission, was a public officer in the service of the State or a judicial officer, shall upon such appointment taking effect, cease to hold such office and shall be ineligible for further appointment as a public officer or a judicial officer.

The applications should be prepared in accordance with the information sheet which is available in the Parliament Web Site and the duly completed applications should be sent to; “Secretary-General to the Constitutional Council, Constitutional Council – Office, Parliament of Sri Lanka, Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte” on or before 23 September 2024 by registered post or by email to constitutionalcouncil@parliament.lk.

Indicate ‘Appointment of Members to PSC’ on the top left-hand corner of the envelope, or as the subject of the email.

Applications called for the Appointment of a Member to the Public Service Commission

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